Canonet Range Finder in Paris

I recently bought myself a new (used) Canonet QL17 rangefinder. Its a neat little thing. Its lightweight, compact and the lens is superb (when used properly) and is very discreet for candid street photography. This is my first “real” rangefinder with a dedicated RF patch. I took it on holiday with me to Paris and ran a roll of Ilford HP5 through it. I developed the film a couple of days ago and got it scanned on using my generously donated Epson V700 scanner. I’m very happy with the results, though I must say, 35mm is harder to develop than 120.

Heres the shots: 















I’m having trouble nailing the exposure on the move. This camera has a meter, but as of yet, I can’t find a battery to power it, so I have been guessing exposures using the sunny 16 rule.

Thanks for reading