Medium format continued.

So a lot has been going on since my last post! I asked for some advice on the rangefinder forum on scanning, and I got a whole bunch of very helpful responses, but one poster in particular helped me the most. My new friend Pete. Pete gave me his epson V700 photo scanner with all the associated holders. This gave my scanning the opportunity to take a humongous leap forward in quality. I have been playing around with the scanner tonight digitising some of my 6×6 and 645 negs. The results are beautiful. (If abit dusty, if anyone has any advice on how they clean their negatives before scanning this would be much appreciated.) 

I can’t say how greatful I am to Pete. Once again thank you mate.

Heres the photos:


Taken in Colleville cemetery.


Taken in Selside. The mountains in the background are those of the lake district.


A different view in Colleville.


Taken from the same hill in Selside, but looking toward Morecambe bay and the Irish sea.


Classic dad shot. I realise the composition is a little bit off. (The top of his head is there on the negative, need to figure out the scanner)


And finally, my favourite “Moody sheep”.

I’m just over half way through another roll of Tri-X so as soon as that is finished I will self develop it and get it scanned for you guys.

Thanks for reading.